The Shape of Projects to Come – Accurately Forecasting Resources and Revenue
“The Shape of Things to Come” is a work of science fiction by H.G. Wells and for some digital services firms, accurate forecasts of future...
“The Shape of Things to Come” is a work of science fiction by H.G. Wells and for some digital services firms, accurate forecasts of future...
The professional services industry continues to debate the merits of best in breed vs. all-in-one solutions. In a previous role at a digital consultancy, we...
Digital services companies are typically born because a small group of people have a point of view on their craft and an ambition to solve...
Just like adopting a new pet, getting married or going on a long vacation, there’s never a perfect time to adopt a new business solution...
Specifically built for the needs of digital services companies, professional services automation (PSA) platforms help digital agencies manage time tracking, contracts, project management, invoicing, billing,...
Resource management and capacity planning are indeed two different things. However, digital agencies must consider both as part of the same process to understand customer...
Digital services companies set themselves apart from each other with the caliber of their craft, method, and people. But when it comes to running the...
There are over 60,000 digital services companies in North America. What sets these organizations apart from one another? The caliber of their craft, methods, and...